CatCompress 64-bit 1.0 review
CatCompress 64-bit, the safe and handy archive manager software that provides a high compression ratio.
Many times you face problems in saving your files archive due to its bulky size. But now this tool has come as a solution to this very problem; this tool has the capability to manage your archives with a high compression ratio. With advance compression ratio this tool supports features like: the ability to open and extract supported archive format, support for high compression ratio, high-class compression algorithm; supports special algorithms that are optimized for text, audio, graphics, 32-bit and 64-bit executables compression; useful for creating self-extracting archives with SFX modules for catcp, 7z, ability to compress the library folder, and much more.
CatCompress 64-bit supports formats that include: catcp, zip, 7z, tar, and wim, that includes compressed and extracted too.
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